Subject: Accurately determining PKGNAME in mk.conf
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/31/2007 14:59:53
Its currently not possible to add checks to mk.conf based
on the PKGNAME, as various packages set PKGNAME _after_
mk.conf has been included - such as firefox, ups-nut,
One victim of this is from cpuflags, but
this breaks any attempt to conditionalise variables in
mk.conf based on PKGNAME, for example setting PKG_SYSCONFBASE=/etc
or ALLOW_VULNERABLE_PACKAGES=1 for a subset of packages.
The obvious options are:
a) Anyone wanting to od this has to hand craft workarounds for
every affected package relevant to them in mk.conf
-- This is the current state
b) Enforce that PKGNAME must be set to a valud which can be
fully evaluated before mk.conf is included, and add a test
to the mk files to bail out if this is not the case.
-- This could further complicate the logic for packages
which play games with PKGNAME setting, but in some ways
this is not a bad thing.
c) Have an option for mk.conf to be included a second time
after everything else has been evaluated, for example if
a variable like 'MK_CONF_POSTINCLUDE' is set in mk.conf, it
will be included a second time after everything else with
a flag to indicate it is the post include
d) Support PKG_SYSCONFBASE.${PKGNAME} and similar variables
which can ovverride the default PKG_SYSCONFBASE values.
e) Something else which I've missed. Anyone? Anyone?
'd)' may be the cleanest - what do people think
David/absolute -- No hype required --