Subject: Re: ilbc-rfc3951 license
To: None <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/16/2007 10:05:14 wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some advice on this, because 1) i'm not a lawyer and 2) i have never
> packaged a piece of software that used a license. This is the license to
> ilbc-rfc3951, a package i imported yesterday:
> says this is free. Apparently, there are different
> definitions of "free" tossed around, so does the Makefile need a LICENSE= line?
> How would bmake show-license work for a document that's not distributed with the
> source and available as a PDF on the Internet?
Nice questions. ;)
I would run pdf2text on the license, store it in the package directory
as the file LICENSE. Add a little comment at the top of that file that
sounds like this:
[This text has been extracted from a PDF file to make it easier to read,
and is not authoritative. The PDF file can be found in the package.]
Then, add the following lines to the Makefile:
LICENSE= gips-iLBClicense
Another interesting question is whether the license applies at all,
since all contributions to RFCs may be extracted for _any_ purpose, as
stated in <>, section 3.3, item (E). But I am
not a lawyer, so this whole assumption may be wrong. :)