Subject: pkg_add and single quote in filenames
To: None <>
From: =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Joachim_K=F6nig?= <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/24/2007 09:11:02
I've created a package that installs files that contain a ' (single quote)
in the filename.

pkg_add however has the following code in extract.c:

>                                 if (strrchr(p->name, '\'')) {
>                                         cleanup(0);
>                                         errx(2, "Bogus filename 
> \"%s\"", p->name
> );
>                                 }
Consequently, a binary package install aborts in such a case.

I do not want to modify the package to install the files under a different
name because I would then have to modify an other package that looks
them up under the given name.

What's so special about the single quote in a filename, that pkg_add
handles it so ungracefully and aborts the installation?
