Subject: Re: pkgsrc to replace
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/30/2007 11:34:31
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007, Alistair Crooks wrote:
> Making the PLISTs, OTOH, might be a bit more of a challenge. Yes,
> I'm one of those who advocates dynamic PLISTs, but I seem to be in a
> minority of one on this.
In the NetBSD base system, there was once the beginnings of a scheme to
add tags to the METALOG at build time, to replace the static information
in the src/dist/lists files. I would like to revive that some time.
This is morally equivalent to dynamic PLISTs.
On the bigger issue: If you could choose between building via pkgsrc
and building via, that would be OK, but I don't want pkgsrc to
be a prerequisite for building the NetBSD base ssytem.
--apb (Alan Barrett)