Subject: Re: [HEADS-UP] Changes in handling package licenses
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/17/2007 13:40:10
Over in pkgsrc-users, Roland Illig wrote:
> In the medium term, all packages will have their LICENSE
> declared. This allows you to distinguish about Open Source licenses,
> and select for every license whether you accept it or not.
Please could we also have a way of accepting a particular licence
only for a particular package, instead of accepting that licence
for all packages. I had private patches to allow me to use
${ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES.${PKGBASE}} for this purpose, but they seem to
have been lost in a recent merge so I'd need to re-implement them.
I have also experimented with abusing the LICENSE variable by adding
keywords like "adware", "spyware", "missing-source" to the LICENSE
for packages that do things I don't like at run time, or that do not
have sources available. It would probably be better to invent another
variable for this sort of thing, if anybody is interested in it.
--apb (Alan Barrett)