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Re: update security/openssl?

Tobias Nygren wrote:

security/openssl is older than what ships in netbsd-4.
I would like to import the new openssl from pkgsrc-wip.
Since the openssl package doesn't have a MAINTAINER listed
I thought I better ask here first.
If you are currently using security/openssl please test
wip/openssl. Especially reports from Darwin and SunOS users
would be appreciated, as well as any and all ABI issues.


Please do.  Were you thinking of importing 0.9.8X from wip as a separate
package (e.g. security/openssl098) or are you thinking of just updating
the old one - just curious.

I've just done a basic build, install and delete on OS/X 10.4 and 10.5 and there was a little problem with the PLIST.darwin that I've committed a fix for already.

When I delete the package on 10.4 I'm getting:

pkg_delete: can't readlink `/usr/pkg/man/man3/bn_print.3': No such file or directory

But 10.5 is OK.  I'll dig into this a little later.


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