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Re: handling of new user/group additions in binary packages is broken

At Thu, 28 May 2009 12:00:34 +0900, "OBATA Akio" <> 
Subject: Re: handling of new user/group additions in binary packages is broken
> Then, with what packages, can I reproduce the probem mentioned in your mail?

I think the following steps should reproduce and demonstrate the problem:

1. On a pristine system build a binary package for any package which
   requires a new user and/or group, and which does _not_ have any
   pre-configured fixed uid/gid

2. on another pristine system create a new user with useradd.

3. note that the user-id for the new user matches the user-id for the
   package built on the first system (by default it should be 1000 or
   1001 I think)

4. install the binary package on the second system

5. note that the files for the binary package are now owned by the local
   user instead of the user created for the package

                                                Greg A. Woods
                                                Planix, Inc.

<>       +1 416 218-0099

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