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[GsoC] Add pkgsrc support to packagekit


I'm Sylvain a french student in Computer Sciences of "Université de Pau et des 
Pays de l'Adour" (UPPA). I discovered NetBSD more than 1 year ago, and this 
year I want to contribute to the project through the Google Summer Of Code.

I use NetBSD on my desktop (but I use it less often than my laptop), my 
Sheevaplug and plan to use on a dedicated server as soon as possible. Thanks to 
IRC I have learnt lot of things about NetBSD.

I'm currently working on writing a pkgin backend for PackageKit, so I'm really 
interested in the "Add pkgsrc support to packagekit" project.
My goal is to write a Python API for Pkgin to make the writing of the backend 

Reading the Wiki I think I can make the same work with pkgsrc :
- Write an API for pkgsrc
- Use this API to write a backend

It may be possible to reuse part of the pkgin API for binary package management 
(or rewrite something equivalent for pkg_add).

The API will reproduce basics pkgin/pkg_add/pkgsrc commands and add useful 
methods like listing all outdated packages, listing installed packages in which 
package names, versions, etc are separate. 
For example :

    import pykgin
    test = pykgin.Pykgin()
        {'download_size': '0B', 'install_size': '28K', 'packages': [{'version': 
'3.03nb1', 'name': 'cowsay'}]}

The harder part will be the capability to build package from source because I 
have to reproduce what did "make" in Python for retrieving dependencies etc 
(The backend allows to make package if it is not available as binary)

Best regards,
Sylvain 'solevis'

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