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flag/report about important packages missing (no gtk2 in repo)

I tried to use pkgin to install gtk2. This was pkgin and pkg_summary 
fetched during the sysinst install step (but I also did an pkgin update 

It is using

Should we have a key list of important packages and a cron job that 
periodically checks and alerts us?

I know this is just 6.0_BETA but that is not my point. How do we know if 
the repo is not useful (common packages)?

I also looked at 6.0 and the pkg_summary is identical. (BUILD_DATE and 
SIZE_PKG are identical so assume this is the exact same collection.)

It would also be nice to have a pointer to the build reports if 
available or at least a note saying that it is not available.

I sent an email recently about wanting to identify who built and where 
the packages came from. The pkg_summary does not tell me. I propose we 
extend the pkg_summary to include a meta section about this or add the 
details for every single package (by adding the info to every single 
package). It can provide the hostname and the user and maybe a contact 
information (URL and/or email) of the builder. These could be 
overridden.  (I responded to the other email about this.)

By the way, what repo should I use now that has compatible xsrc X11?

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