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Re: broken packages for 2012Q3

On 9/29/12 12:41 PM, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 09:58:48PM -0700, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
On 9/27/12 3:09 AM, David Holland wrote:
here is a preliminary list, sorry it's been delayed this long...

Can you please add sysutils/xentools41?

ERROR: lib/ocaml/site-lib/xc/ rpath relative to WRKDIR

It's been broken since April...
Not a big deal, xc is broken in xentools41 on NetBSD anyway.
xm is working fine.

But it *is* a big deal, because the package isn't building. Hence, we may not have an easy path to Xen when 6.0 releases.


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