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Re: Updated lang/lua53 without realising it's freeze

Alistair Crooks wrote:
> That's not what I asked for, and you're avoiding the question.
Let me try again.

> On 20 June 2015 at 12:14, Alexander Nasonov <> wrote:
> > Alistair Crooks wrote:
> > > Thanks for your note, but it's a bit light on details on how you're going
> > > to fix everything. Can you help us out with those details, please?
I accidentally broke the rules but has I broken anything in the builds?
Since I don't see how "to fix everything" other than reverting my
changes, I assume this is what you're suggesting. If you want me to
revert for non-technical reasons, I expect to receive a formal email
stating what I have violated and how I should fix it.

Once again sorry for the accidental commit during the freeze.


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