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Re: First go at adding GCC_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED support

David Holland <> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 11:02:00AM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
>  > How does this sound:
>  > 
>  > * we define, per operating system/version, a default c++ compiler,
>  >   let's say gcc-4.9 (or whatever we think is the best version on that
>  >   platform). this version is pulled in whenever c++ is defined in
>  >   USE_LANGUAGES. It should support c++11.
>  > 
>  > * the user can override this default globally, before compiling packages
> I feel like in the long run we want/need to have support for settings
> or values that pertain to whole disjoint groups of packages, both for
> this and for certain similar builtin package issues.

That sounds appealing, but I am wondering how it would work.  Would
there be some analysis on the graph of all possible packages and then
there could be a different C++ compiler for each disconnected component?
What kinds of problems would it solve (besides the A needs only X and B
needs only Y), how often do we have those problems, and do you think
it's worth the pain?

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