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Re: pre-C++11 compilers

On 01.07.2017 16:27, wrote:
> My understanding is the following:
> libstdc++ is mostly backwards compatible, but nowhere near forward
> compatible. If we ever use more than one libstdc++, we want to use the
> newest for all dependencies.
> If it's a leaf C++ package, it's easy - just use the newer GCC to build
> it too, and by using g++ it will pull in the newer libstdc++ always.
> Most packages that needed it were probably like this. Also, leaf
> packages being broken is easy to miss.
> If it's a C package, it becomes problematic. using a newer GCC isn't
> sufficient to guarantee that a newer libstdc++ will be picked, and it
> depends on the link order.
> Now we have packages like icu and MesaLib requiring it, which have very
> many dependencies, so the chance of encountering the broken scenario is
> likely.
> NetBSD specifically has an extra complication because it major bumped
> libstdc++ in base but pkgsrc GCC still creates the old soname.
> I think and appear as different libraries?
> That should probably be fixed.
> I should restore the change to make MesaLib not use the dri option for
> older compilers, but luckily it is also controllable by options.

I propose to evaluate a different approach to GCC_REQD.

1. Mark packages requiring minimal GCC/Clang version and just set them
as BROKEN in case of insufficient compiler.

No longer bootstrapping a newer GCC for pkgsrc own purposes, with
exception of bootstrapping gcc packages by self when needed.

2. Abandon the current paradigm of automatically bootstrapping newer C
or C++ compiler to build certain packages.

Temporarily no changes in Fortran handling.


4. Promote/prepare bootstrap kits with newer toolchain for pkgsrc
platforms. This is task for supported platforms maintainers.

In recent years newer GCC/Clang means newer standard of the C++ language
and incompatible C++ runtime library. As of now and we are now heading
for C++17.. and new set of incompatibilities.

I think this approach is already done by the SmartOS team.

I'm doing it right now to dogfood Clang+ccache on NetBSD with GCC in the
PKGSRC_COMPILER=        ccache clang
CCACHE_BASE=            /usr/local
CCACHE_DIR=             /public/ccache_tmp
CCACHE_LOGFILE=         /tmp/ccache.txt
PKG_CC=                 clang
PKG_CXX=                clang++
CLANGBASE=              /usr/local
HAVE_LLVM=              yes

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