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Re: Adding cairo support to print/poppler
EF> -- Add the build dependency to print/poppler, let it install
EF> poppler-cairo.pc and remove it from print/poppler-glib's PLIST?
GT> The question is how many people want to use poppler and not have cairo
GT> installed. If almost zero, this might be a good approach.
Note that that's only a build dependency.
EF> -- Add a poppler-cairo package (with a full dependency on cairo) that
EF> only installs poppler-cairo.pc (removing it from print/poppler-glib)?
GT> That is probably optimal in terms of not forcing dependencies on people
GT> that they don't work, but adds a package.
EF> -- Leave it as is and let the new poppler-cairo-utils package depend on
EF> poppler and cairo directly?
GT> How would this work? Wouldn't poppler-cairo.pc not be installed?
GT> Or is this in poppler-glib, and that's depended on? If so, what's
GT> wrong now that would be fixed? (not challenging, just not clear)
It's weird. If you build poppler with cairo enabled, it will build, but
not install a If you enable building the utilities,
it uses that to build and install pdftocairo. It probably also uses it to
build the glib interface (if enabled). So
-- you need to enable cairo to build the glib interface
-- if you enable cairo, building the utils adds pdftocairo
-- other than that, enabling cairo only adds poppler-cairo.pc.
I do have a local poppler-cairo-utils package (call that pdftocairo if you
prefer) that only supplies pdftocairo and builds with the poppler package
as is (you need a correction to patch-ab that incorrectly assumes
libpoppler-cairo to get installed, which it isn't). Essentially, it is
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-cairo-output
.include "../../print/poppler/"
.include "../../graphics/cairo/"
BUILD_DIRS= goo fofi poppler utils
MAKE_FLAGS= bin_PROGRAMS=pdftocairo dist_man1_MANS=pdftocairo.1
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v $
.include "../../print/poppler/Makefile.common"
PKGNAME= poppler-cairo-utils-${POPPLER_VERS}
COMMENT= PDF utilities (from poppler) using cairo
USE_TOOLS+= gmake
# Build the cairo graphics backend.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-cairo-output
# Don't build the splash graphics backend.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-splash-output
# Don't compile poppler qt wrapper.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-poppler-qt
# Don't compile GTK+ test program.
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-gtk-test
# Don't compile GLib wrapper which also needs gtk2
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-poppler-glib
# Enable build and install of the tools
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-utils # the default
.include "../../print/poppler/"
.include "../../graphics/cairo/"
BUILD_DIRS= goo fofi poppler utils
MAKE_FLAGS= bin_PROGRAMS=pdftocairo dist_man1_MANS=pdftocairo.1
.include "../../mk/"
.if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-[12].*)
.include "../../devel/pthread-stublib/"
PTHREAD_STUBLIB= "-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -Wl,-R${LOCALBASE}/lib -lpthstub"
PTHREAD_STUBLIB= # provided by libc
.include "../../mk/"
This provides PDF (Portable Document Format) utilities from the
poppler project. Some of these are based on the versions from xpdf.
This poppler-cairo-utils package provides:
pdftocairo - converts a PDF file to PostScript using Cairo
@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v $
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