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Re: using devel/ruby-ronn as a tool

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 08:17:49PM +0000, Benny Siegert wrote:
> Hi!
> I am looking at updating git-lfs and found that it contains manpages in ronn
> format. Running the "ronn" tool from devel/ruby-ronn results in a useful
> manpage that I would like to install as part of the package.
> Has anyone dealt with using ronn as a tool as part of the package build
> before?
> If not, how would I go about adding tool support? Since the tool is written
> in Ruby, there is the issue of which underlying Ruby version to use. Any
> ideas?
> -- 
> Benny

Add a TOOL_DEPENDS like so:

TOOL_DEPENDS+=	${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-ronn-[0-9]*:../../devel/ruby-ronn

.include "../../lang/ruby/"

The executable installed by ruby-ronn is version-suffixed - there
are a few approaches you can take here.

The best is probably patching the build system, use a variable
substitution to replace the executable name with ronn${RUBY_SUFFIX}.
You could also install a symlink to the tools dir.

If the build system does not automatically create the manual page,
it might be easier to define a target in pre-install or similar.


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