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problem installing kde4-l10n-en_GB-4.14.3

Just updated a system to NetBSD 9.99.81 on AMD64 and started to install some 
packages from pkgsrc-2021Q1.

Everything seems to install OK and I put on kde4 from meta-pkg without any 
issues, however when I tried to add the en_GB locale package it failed to 
install due to a file conflict:

===> Installing binary package of kde4-l10n-en_GB-4.14.3
pkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with ark-20.04.1nb8: 
pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/x11/kde4-l10n-en_GB

ark is installed as it is a pre-requisite for kde4:

asus# pkg_info -R ark
Information for ark-20.04.1nb8:

Required by:

I haven't managed to work out a way of getting around this. A kludge would be 
to clobber the record in pkgdb.byfile.db - but my knowledge of db4 databases 
is non-existent...

Any ideas or suggestions appreciated...


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