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Re: math/lapack and MAKE_JOBS

> On Mar 10, 2022, at 3:34 PM, Jason Bacon <> wrote:
> On 3/10/22 14:43, Brook Milligan wrote:
>> Is the math/lapack package generally safe to be built in parallel?  On MacOS, I am having trouble and need MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=no, because when built in parallel some files seem not yet built when another rule tries to do something with them.  I’m wondering if this is a platform-specific problem or a more general one.
>> Cheers,
>> Brook
> How many cores/threads does your Mac have?  Not likely to be OS-specific, but machines with a low core-count may work reliably because the build can't get too far ahead of itself.  I've seen builds that work fine on a 4-core system and fail on 16.

Mine has 8 and I was running with MAKE_JOBS=8.  

I think sometimes it worked and sometimes not, but I was not paying systematic attention to that.


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