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Re: ccache fails to build NetBSD 9/amd64

Martin Husemann <> writes:

> On Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 05:15:32PM +0100, Adam wrote:
>> > I think ccache has to work on most platforms, without dragging in new
>> > compilers, except that maybe NetBSD 8 is at the point of
>> > not-really-supported-at-all.
> [..]
>> It needs GCC>=8, c99, and c++17. Fixed.
> That makes the pkg a serious pain on netbsd-9.
> It should be downgraded, fixed, or versioned.

Agreed, that's not really "fixed", and this upgrade should have been

In particular, ccache is needed most on slower machines which are less
likely to be able to cope with requirements for shiny c++.

Of course the real bug is upstream; those are not reasonable
requirements (well c99 is fine) for a tool like this.

Please revert, and feel free to add devel/ccache4 with the new version.

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