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Re: objection to removal of py-wxWidgets and wxGKT28

Thomas Klausner <> writes:

> On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 02:58:29PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> I am objecting to the removal of py-wxWidgets and wxGTK28.
> This proposal was sent on June 6 and there was no feedback.

I remember objecting then, but perhaps I only remember that I meant to.
I have had fewer cycles for pkgsrc recently.

I think recursive removals are fundamentally unreasonable, and cause
more trouble in terms of upsetting people than they gain.  We had a bad
time with qt4 deletionism too, and I should have spoken out against that
sooner than I did.  This isn't nearly as problematic.

It's also not reasonable to remove things from wip because their
dependencies went away, especially packages that are actively being
worked on, without consulting the person that packaged it.

> There is a newer py-wxWidgets available, which I think supports newer
> wxGTK, it just needs packaging.

> [packaged]

Thank you for packaging.  That avoids the future difficulty with
wip/chirp, which is the only thing on the big list of removals that I
personally care about.

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