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Re: 9.0 is getting old...

>   I do not expect binary packages built on 9.3 to be troubled
>   on 9.0.  The theory is that we have binary compatibility.

OK, I think / hope that's a fair assumption, and will proceed to
upgrade my 9.x pbulk host to a newer 9.x.  9.2 would probably
resolve what triggered me to bring this up, but if 9.4 should be
sufficiently compatible I could aim for that instead.

pkg_add will of course complain if you run 9.3 and install a
binary package built on 9.4...

> The other question is: maybe you should just do 10, and drop 9.
> But that's of course your call.

Oh, I already do 10.0 binary packages on NetBSD/macppc.  Dropping
9.x altogether is perhaps a bit premature.

> Personally I'm heading for getting off of 9 as soon as I can
> manage, but I think it's going to take me 6 months.

I've started that process for a number of the systems I run, but
also expect it will take a while to complete.


- Håvard

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