tech-pkg by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Feb 24 17:53:14 2025
Timezone is UTC
- pkgsrc freeze is over,
Thomas Klausner
- On linux, potentially setting INIT_SYSTEM=systemd?,
- New bulk build tracker release,
Benny Siegert
- RFC: consider dropping www/firefox52 in favor of w,
Martin Husemann
- pkgsrc-wip packages restored,
Roland Illig
- py-tmux disppearedn,
Greg Troxel
- Python issues, mostly,
John Klos
- setuptools with a GitHub non-release,
Edgar Fuß
- [resend] Please review wip/soju 0.8.2,
- pkgsrc 2024Q3 freeze and future of the branches,
Thomas Klausner
- May textproc/icu revbump failed to hit finance/led,
Taylor R Campbell
- gnupg22+ vs netpgpverify status,
Jonathan Perkin
- gdt stepping down from pkgsrc-pmc,
Greg Troxel
- security/libassuan2,
Jonathan Perkin
- kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit, or,
Greg Troxel
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Greg Troxel
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Martin Husemann
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Greg Troxel
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Greg Troxel
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
David Holland
- Re: kerberos is the new sqlite: disable, force mit,
Greg A. Woods
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