Subject: Re: your mail
To: Peter C. Wallace <>
From: David Edwards <>
List: tech-ports
Date: 09/03/1999 15:39:33
On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Peter C. Wallace wrote:

> How about a port to the (pre PPC) RS6000? I have a couple of (PC sized)
> model 350s free to anyone interested...

This comes up with the Linux crowd from time to time, and the answer
always seems to be that the documentation on the hardware just isn't
there. (OK, in all fairness, given that it's an IBM product, I have
no doubt that the architecture is exhaustively documented. IBM just
has not made that documentation publically available.)

I've been interested in trying the port myself, either Linux or FreeBSD,
but I've gone looking for documentation, and they're right... It's just 
not out there. :( Having said that, if someone can FIND documentation,
I'd be interested in helping, and I know a few other people who would
be interested in seeing Linux running on it who would probably also be
willing to help with writing the necessary tools for bootstraping and

If someone has contacts inside IBM's RS/6000 division, it can't hurt
to see if someone in management might be interested in supporting this,
but shipping hardware to people on the assumption that the port will
be trivial is probably a bit premature.
David Edwards
What makes you think I have Attention Deficit Dis-OOOH! Shiny things!