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Support for MMU-less systems Project
I am currently considering a topic for my BEng thesis and came across
this project proposal. I am absolutely new to NetBSD (I've used
FreeBSD for a while). That being said, if you'd like to hear my case,
please read on.
1. Your idea of the project
It would be very nice if somebody could briefly list the sort of tasks
that are required to be done. From what I've read, it would require
considerable amount of rework is expected.
2. My idea of the project
I am more of an embedded type of guy, so I would like to use this
project learn some ARM architecture. I don't expect to find any
particular difficulty in that, as I have used assembly and C for
various processors.
Next, I have genuine interest in operating systems and for the last
year I have done various courses in the university based on the Linux
environment. I've just had a wonderful course on POSIX and I am
currently finalizing a simple project on a Linux device driver on an
Atmel development board. So, I believe I have what it takes to dig in
the kernel.
What is expected to be done is something that's the key concept of
uCLinux, right, so it could be a good source of ideas.
In case, I adopt the project, it's highly possible (and I secretly
hope) that the university will sponsor the purchase of a development
board. I in no means think that I'll be able to do it all (though I'll
aim at that), nor that's it's easy. The good part is that, in the
worst case, I will have learned something about ARM and the internals
of modern operating systems. Hopefully, what the community will get is
at the very least 3-4 months of quality research.
So, if you got this far, how does it all sound?
Kind regards,
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Information Technology Programme
Todor Vlaev
Mobile: +358 50 935 0230
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