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Re: Bandwidth Shortages

Hi Curt,

Thus wrote Curt Sampson (

> On 2010-01-13 08:11 +0100 (Wed), S.P.Zeidler wrote:
> > .. and bandwidth is currently the ressource we're most likely to be
> > limited on.
> Oh, and I wanted to check what the issue is here. How many more mirrors
> on, say, 100 Mbps connections do we need to mitigate this bandwidth
> shortage?

Two considerations, here. First: I did not say we are bandwidth-starved
-now-. I am saying that bandwidth is the most difficult resource to
increase. Second: do you know how many mirrors actually bother to carry
/pub/NetBSD-archive? We should not be too terribly surprised, and
certainly not have landed ourselves in a serious fix, if mirrors don't
carry a 'historical' cvs repository.

-- (S.P.Zeidler)

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