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Re: The essential problems of moving from CVS

On 2010-01-16 21:03 +0000 (Sat), David Holland wrote:

> The working copy, not the history. Scanning a whole tree takes a
> while. This is just filesystem I/O and not something git can do much
> about.

Just as a data point, on a fast machine (Core 8i) with a bog-standard
7200 RPM SATA disk, the initial scan is over a minute for me. (Warm
cache scan is under a second.)

I'm not clear if CVS is significantly faster than this or not. I'm
guessing not.

That said, I do think that git-subtree[1] deals with this appropriately.


Curt Sampson         <>         +81 90 7737 2974
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who have not got it.    --George Bernard Shaw

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