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Re: scm migration: htdocs conversion

On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 12:22:51PM +0900, Ryo ONODERA wrote:
> It seems that Your htdocs.hg repository has not tags,
> for example, hrs-xmlcleanup-base.
> It has branches, for example, hrs_xmlcleanup.
> Lack of tags are intentional?
> In htdocs case, lack of tag is not so important.
> However in src I need tags.

Yes, that is a problem in general with the conversion tools we have -
they only keep vendor tags but not release tags.

I made no efforts to handle release tags yet, because I did't come up
with a way yet to point to a commit reliably _after_ the conversion -
I have converted most of the repositories I mailed about a couple
times or more.

Adding release tags will (sadly) be a manual task we'll have to do
after the migration, when the repository conversion is final.

The actual tagging will be easy:
    hg tag -r $REVISION -d $DATE -u $COMMITTER $TAG_NAME

The work will be finding the values for $REVISION, $DATE, $COMMITTER,

If you have any ideas how to automate this, please let me know!


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