Subject: Re: security in the free world
To: None <tech-security@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-security
Date: 03/12/1997 12:19:59
#>  [ regarding getting around export laws via US->Canada->World route ]
#>It's not quite so simple. I suppose if the whole scheme were executed
#>in Canada involving only Canadians, then only Candadian law would
#>apply, and I don't know anything about that.
I dont know this for certain, but I was browsing the OpenBSD mail 
archives looking for audio driver patches, and I distinctly remember 
reading one message that said thier main host was in canada.. so they 
were exporting from there.  Now I dont know details obviously.. but 
what if someone were to write a crypt routine (or borrow one) 
in(from) canada.. then we could distribute from there.

Someone should look into the way OpenBSD does it.. because I'm pretty 
close to certain they export.

(note.  I am a die hard NetBSD'er.. I niether run nor intend to run 
openbsd, so no flames!  ;) )

Tim Rightnour -
Communications Integrators Inc
(ph)602-491-1186 (fax)602-491-2195