Subject: Re: solving various bug reports...
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: tech-security
Date: 06/27/1997 17:55:39
At 11:44 PM 6/26/97 -0400, Andrew Brown wrote:
>and that would be it. i *STILL* don't think it would work. so how's
>about this for a silly solution: if an /etc/inetd.conf file exists (it
>may not if you really don't want any inet services), *INIT ITSELF*
>runs inetd after it changes the securelevel. not rc, not rc.local,
>nothing runs it but init. and then init can have the (optional) side
>job of making sure it stays running. that way you can't possibly
Well, if you wanted to go in that direction, why not have a script called Have it get run by init _after_ multi-user mode is
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci. - House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM Spoken by Keir Finlow-Bates:
XCOMM "Good grief, I've just noticed I've typed in a rant. Sorry chaps!"