Subject: Re: pseudo-shadowing of passwords [...]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-security
Date: 10/13/1998 16:51:13
>> It occurs to me - would it be worthwhile to have a syntax for the
>> password field in /etc/master.passwd, copied to /etc/passwd by
>> pwd_mkdb, that says "go look in .password in the user's homedir"?
> Interesting idea. If you change such that ~/.password is a copy
> rather than the repository you might be better off. Ie. the only
> change would be for getpwent to check ~/.password if euid != 0 and
> for passwd to put a copy of the new hash in there if it already
> exists and is safe etc etc.
Thinking about it, yes, this is the correct way to go. You do *not*
want anyone who manages to write files as joe to be able to thereby
change joe's password. (Or maybe you do - perhaps there should be
*two* magic syntaxes, one which says ".password is the repository" and
another which says ".password is a copy".)
> That way the vast bulk of current semantics would hold true yet xlock
> et al would not need to be set-uid.
Yeah - if you manage to write files as joe you can sort-of set joe's
password: you can set it for things running as joe, but not for things
running as root. Perhaps if getpwent by root notices that .password is
supposed to be a copy but it actually differs, it should log a security
der Mouse
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