Subject: Re: OpenSSL import
To: Michael C. Richardson <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: tech-security
Date: 06/29/1999 20:59:22
On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 08:41:31PM -0400, Michael C. Richardson wrote:
> >>>>> "Thor" == Thor Lancelot Simon <> writes:
>     Thor> On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 06:22:51PM -0400, Michael C. Richardson
>     Thor> wrote:
>     >>  In particular, many of the things that are patented in the USA are
>     >> not outside of the USA, and it is specifically the people outside of
>     >> the USA that currently are most desirous of having cryptosrc-intl.
>     >> 
>     Thor> I'm glad to hear it.  This was hardly unnoticed in the debate.
>     Thor> Current patents covering the IDEA algorithm (quoth
>     Thor> EP0482154 (all European Patent Office nations) US5214703 (United
>     Thor> States of America) JP5500121T (Japan) HK1003338 (? -- Hong Kong?)
>     Thor> WO9118459 (Patent Cooperation Treaty)
>     Thor> Note that in addition to the EPO patent, which covers most nations
>     Thor> in Europe, the PCT patent essentially allows Ascom to have a patent
>     Thor> issued in any industrialized nation for the cost of filing fees.
>   Key words here "industrialized nation" --- huge growth in use of OpenSource
> operating systems occurs in so the so called "third world". Does NetBSD want
> a part of this? Or should we just let them use the Penguin?

Let's stop the insanity here:

|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
|                         Patent Cooperation Treaty
|        PCT (Washington, 1970), amended in 1979 and modified in 1984
|                                (PCT Union)
|                            Status on May 7, 1999
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| State                                 Date on which State became party to
|                                       the Treaty
| Albania                               October 4, 1995
| Armenia [1]                           December 25, 1991
| Australia                             March 31, 1980
| Austria                               April 23, 1979
| Azerbaijan                            December 25, 1995
| Barbados                              March 12, 1985
| Belarus [1]                           December 25, 1991
| Belgium                               December 14, 1981
| Benin                                 February 26, 1987
| Bosnia and Herzegovina                September 7, 1996
| Brazil                                April 9, 1978
| Bulgaria                              May 21, 1984
| Burkina Faso                          March 21, 1989
| Cameroon                              January 24, 1978
| Canada                                January 2, 1990
| Central African Republic              January 24, 1978
| Chad                                  January 24, 1978
| China [2]                             January 1, 1994
| Congo                                 January 24, 1978
| Costa Rica                            August 3, 1999
| Côte d'Ivoire                         April 30, 1991
| Croatia                               July 1, 1998
| Cuba [1]                              July 16, 1996
| Cyprus                                April 1, 1998
| Czech Republic                        January 1, 1993
| Democratic People's Republic of Korea July 8, 1980
| Denmark                               December 1, 1978
| Dominica                              August 7, 1999
| Estonia                               August 24, 1994
| Finland [3]                           October 1, 1980
| France [1], [4]                       February 25, 1978
| Gabon                                 January 24, 1978
| Gambia                                December 9, 1997
| Georgia [1]                           December 25, 1991
| Germany                               January 24, 1978
| Ghana                                 February 26, 1997
| Greece                                October 9, 1990
| Grenada                               September 22, 1998
| Guinea                                May 27, 1991
| Guinea-Bissau                         December 12, 1997
| Hungary [1]                           June 27, 1980
| Iceland                               March 23, 1995
| India [1]                             December 7, 1998
| Indonesia [1]                         September 5, 1997
| Ireland                               August 1, 1992
| Israel                                June 1, 1996
| Italy                                 March 28, 1985
| Japan                                 October 1, 1978
| Kazakhstan [1]                        December 25, 1991
| Kenya                                 June 8, 1994
| Kyrgyzstan [1]                        December 25, 1991
| Latvia                                September 7, 1993
| Lesotho                               October 21, 1995
| Liberia                               August 27, 1994
| Liechtenstein                         March 19, 1980
| Lithuania                             July 5, 1994
| Luxembourg                            April 30, 1978
| Madagascar                            January 24, 1978
| Malawi                                January 24, 1978
| Mali                                  October 19, 1984
| Mauritania                            April 13, 1983
| Mexico                                January 1, 1995
| Monaco                                June 22, 1979
| Mongolia                              May 27, 1991
| Netherlands [5]                       July 10, 1979
| New Zealand                           December 1, 1992
| Niger                                 March 21, 1993
| Norway [3]                            January 1, 1980
| Poland [3]                            December 25, 1990
| Portugal                              November 24, 1992
| Republic of Korea                     August 10, 1984
| Republic of Moldova [1]               December 25, 1991
| Romania [1]                           July 23, 1979
| Russian Federation [1]                March 29, 1978 [6]
| Saint Lucia [1]                       August 30, 1996
| Senegal                               January 24, 1978
| Sierra Leone                          June 17, 1997
| Singapore                             February 23, 1995
| Slovakia                              January 1, 1993
| Slovenia                              March 1, 1994
| South Africa [1]                      March 16, 1999
| Spain                                 November 16, 1989
| Sri Lanka                             February 26, 1982
| Sudan                                 April 16, 1984
| Swaziland                             September 20, 1994
| Sweden [3]                            May 17, 1978
| Switzerland                           January 24, 1978
| Tajikistan [1]                        December 25, 1991
| The former Yugoslav Republic of       August 10, 1995
| Macedonia
| Togo                                  January 24, 1978
| Trinidad and Tobago                   March 10, 1994
| Turkey                                January 1, 1996
| Turkmenistan [1]                      December 25, 1991
| Uganda                                February 9, 1995
| Ukraine [1]                           December 25, 1991
| United Arab Emirates                  March 10, 1999
| United Kingdom [7]                    January 24, 1978
| United States of America [8], [9]     January 24, 1978
| Uzbekistan [1]                        December 25, 1991
| Viet Nam                              March 10, 1993
| Yugoslavia                            February 1, 1997
| Zimbabwe                              June 11, 1997
|                            (Total: 102 States)
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
|                             COOPERATION TREATY
|The Patent Offices of Australia, Austria, China, Japan, the Russian
|Federation, Spain, Sweden, the United States of America, and the European
|Patent Office.
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
|                         PATENT COOPERATION TREATY
|The Patent Offices of Australia, Austria, China, Japan, the Russian
|Federation, Sweden, the United States of America, and the European Patent
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
|[1] With the declaration provided for in Article 64(5).
|[2] The PCT applies also to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with
|effect from July 1, 1997.
|[3] With the declaration provided for in Article 64(2)(a)(ii).
|[4] Including all Overseas Departments and Territories.
|[5] Ratification for the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and
|[6] Date of ratification of the Soviet Union, continued by the Russian
|Federation as from December 25, 1991.
|[7] The United Kingdom extended the application of the PCT to the Isle of
|Man with effect from October 29, 1983.
|[8] With the declarations provided for in Articles 64(3)(a) and 64(4)(a).
|[9] Extends to all areas for which the United States of America has
|international responsibility.

Next totally specious argument, please?
