Subject: Re: cryptosrc-intl
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/14/1999 12:55:00
On Jul 14,  1:43pm, Michael Richardson wrote:
} >>>>> "John" == John Nemeth <> writes:
}     John>      I do not see any reason at all for removing the five items above
}     John> from cryptosrc-intl, not withstanding the belly aching of a few people
}     John> that aren't even on core.
}   Uh, like nobody is on core anymore :-)

     There are a couple.  However, lacking that, I would consider the
opinion of the board of The NetBSD Foundation Inc.  Except for one member,
they've been relatively quiet on the issue.  I haven't seen an official
statement ratified by the board.

}     John>      Unless, it's encumbered in a significant fraction of the world,
}     John> then who cares.  The entire userbase shouldn't be penalised just
}     John> because of the stupid policies of one government.
}   There are those that feel that NetBSD Inc. becomes liable if anyone
} imports the source to a place where the patents apply.

     I suppose given the litigation climate of the US, this is a
possibility.  The answer to this problem is to move NetBSD Inc. to a
country with more reasonable laws.  OpenBSD, being based in Canada
doesn't have this problem.

}-- End of excerpt from Michael Richardson