Subject: Re: integrating /etc/changelist into mtree
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Rob Windsor <>
List: tech-security
Date: 05/03/2001 16:06:28
Verily did Hubert Feyrer write:
> Um, you're aiming for a little much functionality in mtree here. IMHO
> that's not needed for mtree, and should not be implemented there.
> As an alternative, you could - e.g. - put special comments in some
> mtree file if you want to store data there, and then grep things out
> of that mtree file, putting it into changelist.
The problem with that is that mtree doesn't grok "#.*$" as a valid comment
(using ERE to illustrate my point). At least it didn't the last I checked.
Otherwise, that would pretty much fall within the request of my PR.
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