Subject: Re: filtering
To: Todd C. Miller <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/02/2002 22:21:25
On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 11:12:22PM -0600, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> I'm going to don my asbestos suit for a minute and suggest that
> what we could really use is a *BSD security list, akin to the Linux
> vendor-sec list. I think it makes sense to have a place where we
> can discuss security issues common to all the BSDs and not worry
> about what is or is not of specific interest to ChooseYouOwnBSD.
Actually, I think this is a fabulous idea.
> This could take one of two forms:
> a) A list open only to the various security officers that gets
> advance warning of problems, CERT advisories, etc.. This allows
> for coordinating fixes but requires that list members not forward
> things off-list. In the past, such lists have been leaky.
> b) An open list. No advanced warning of problems would be posted.
> The list could still be used for coordination but I don't find
> this terribly compelling.
> Opinions?
I think having two lists:
would be useful. I could probably arrange for Wasabi to host them,
much like Wasabi currently hosts the bsd-api-announce and bsd-api-discuss
mailing lists (both of which have been useful forums for *BSD cooperation
in recent months).
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>