Subject: Re: replacement for /etc/passwd
To: None <>
From: Alan Post <>
List: tech-security
Date: 12/11/2002 15:26:33
> * Charles Blundell ( [021210 16:38]:
(with a setgid "auth" passwd(1))
>> consider this heirachy:
>> /etc/userdb root:auth rwxr-x---
>> /etc/userdb/user root:wheel rwxr-xr-x
>> /etc/userdb/user/uid root:wheel rw-r--r--
>> ...
>> /etc/userdb/user/pwhash user:wheel rw-------
>> so to change their password, the user must gain both their uid and the
>> group auth. group auth has no rights other than read and scan for
>> the top level directory.
How about the following modification, that would allow world read
access to the username<->uid mappings?
/etc/userdb root:wheel drwxr-xr-x
/etc/userdb/user root:wheel drwxr-xr-x
/etc/userdb/user/uid root:wheel -rw-r--r--
/etc/userdb/user/private root:auth drwxr-x---
/etc/userdb/user/private/pwhash user:wheel -rw-------