Subject: hardening netbsd
To: None <>
From: jnf <>
List: tech-security
Date: 02/28/2004 06:49:18
Hash: SHA1
i've recently taken up the task of setting up a netbsd box here on my lan
that will be used in the dmz, I just googled a little for papers over
securing netbsd and didnt find much - what I am looking for basically is
not your average hardening <insert os name here> paper, I know how to shut
off uneecssary services and how to setup a firewall/etc, what I am more
looking for are things like, making certain areas of memory
non-executable, randomizing base addresses, restricting chroot some, etc -
is there anything like this that exists for netbsd or am i stuck doing a
roll your own type thing here?
I would imagine it wouldnt be incredibly hard to port stuff from openbsd
to freebsd, although honestly I am not very familar with the internals of
either kernel- so yes thats basically what I am looking for, papers or
programs that even briefly discuss the subject and also, where is a good
description of the sysctl's? particularly the security related ones, going
through man pages and header files proved frustrating as many of them said
the same thing (i.e. 'this sysctl determines the security level, it can
only be raised and not lowered' or similar, but doesnt tell you what is
included/what happens as each one is raised)
any help would be appreciated, and those of you involved with developing
netbsd, or really anything in general, keep up the good work ;]
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