Subject: Re: Preventative security features?
To: Dmitri Nikulin <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-security
Date: 11/16/2004 17:31:14
Dmitri Nikulin <> wrote on Tue, 16 Nov 2004
at 21:31:57 +1100 in <>:
> Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 21:31:57 +1100
> From: Dmitri Nikulin <>
> User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20041110)
> X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
> To:
> Subject: Re: Preventative security features?
[ Oh dear. You have quoted my private email to a public list.
Netiquette dictates that this is not a reasonable thing to do, absent
permission. Please endeavor to ensure that in the future, you do not
do this. ]
> You'll have to explain further. I've never heard of a need to see that
> someone else is running vi or emacs for doing their work, in terms of a
> social benefit.
Well, the "social benefit" is but one of the set of 4 items that I
mentioned. Even if you don't buy that one, the others stand.
Let's say the system feels slow, and I run ps and I see that user
'fred' is running matlab and taking up 80% of the CPU time. Now I can
walk down the hall and say to Fred, "Hey, you're taking up a lot of
resources on bigmachine; could you possibly renice your process, or
let me know when you'll be done?" That's a social benefit.
> In fact a lot of privacy issues occur because people see what others
Of course there are privacy issues. Again, I don't claim that everyone
wants process table visibility, or that it is always the right
thing. My claim is very narrow: that some people believe it to be a
Good Thing, so you may not reasonably argue that removing it is always
> If responsible system usage involves not loading the system while many
> others are working, there are other mechanisms for that. Looking at load
> averages, for instance.
That hardly tells you who is at fault.
> But I doubt any users will need to heavily load a shared system
> anyway - as a courtesy any number-crunching should be done on
> private (or dedicated) machines, and compilations during software
> development are usually minimal load because make avoids
> redundancy.
Like it or not, it happens in real life.
> >It can certainly be argued that it is Good Thing on a shared shell server
> >that users can see each others processes. It promotes responsible system
> >usage, the ability of users to investigate problems without invoking
> >administrators, encourages a belief in a shared system that you don't
> >mess up for other people, and may have positive social benefits.
> >
> >It's not a slam dunk, but it can certainly be argued that it viewing
> >process you don't own is a Good Thing.