Subject: Re: spamd (was Re: CVS commit: src/etc)
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: tech-security
Date: 04/12/2005 00:40:13
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Jim Wise wrote:
>> I've just done this.  spamd is now pfspamd.  spamdb is now pfspamdb.
>> spamd-setup is now pfspamd-setup.  There _were_ no changes required to
>> the code.  Period.
>> Tomorrow morning, I will be committing changes to pfspamd to use
>> /etc/pfspamd.conf and /var/chroot/pfspamd, and to rename spamlogd to
>> pfspamlogd, for consistency.  This requires two lines of
>> changed code under src/dist/pf.  If you would like, I hereby volunteer
>> to resolve any and all conflicts which spring up in those two lines.
>I also don't like the name spamd. But others suggested that spamd is more
>than just for "pf". As far as I know, it can be used via inetd too. And
>also another suggested tarpitd as the name.

After some consideration, I chose `pfspamd' for two reasons:

  a.) despite the marketing talk, this code _is_ pf specific.  In 
      particular, while it can accept connections from any redirecting
      packet filter (obviously), it can only feed grey- and whitelisting
      data back into pf.

  b.) the name is a bit of a compromise.  Mr. Yamamoto was concerned 
      that users from some other OS might not be able to find spamd,
      and the name pfspamd (for `pf's spamd') makes it easier for them
      to do so, hopefully without confusing the much larger number of 
      users of spamassassin's spamd.

- -- 
				Jim Wise
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (NetBSD)
