Subject: Binding RPC services to specific ports
To: None <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-security
Date: 07/18/2005 13:21:48
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Hi all:
A feature that I've often desired is the ability to force
specific RPC services to be bound to specific TCP/IP ports.
I'd prefer a generic solution to this rather than hacking
each rpc daemon to support a "hardcode this port".
I did a little bit of research and found that IRIX 6.5.20
added /etc/rpcports -- as documented in their rpcports(4) at:
The syntax of IRIX's /etc/rpcports is each line is
program transport port access
(or empty or a comment line starting with '#')
Each line:
program RPC program number (see rpc(4)), or the
capitalized keyword ANY.
[NetBSD uses rpc(5)]
transport Transport name, either udp or tcp.
[NetBSD also supports udp6/tcp6 ?]
port Port, or port range expressed as a pair of
ports separated only by a ``-'' character,
without any space or tab characters.
A port is specified numerically.
[Couldn't we support port names here?]
access Whether the port or port range is available,
either ``allow'' or ``deny''.
Do people know of other prior art in this area?
Comments about adding this style of functionality to NetBSD?
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