Subject: Re: pf doesn't start normally anymore
To: Mipam <>
From: Peter Postma <>
List: tech-security
Date: 08/11/2005 17:34:31
On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 12:13:56AM +0200, Mipam wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed the new /etc/rc.d/pf file.
> Now it immidiatly complains about my pf.conf file.
> Normally it didnt do so. running /etc/rc.d/pf start
> doesnt complain at all after the complete boot.
> I don't know why but pf.conf rule 37 in my case cannot be parsed at boot
> anymore:
> line number 36: pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any \
> line number 37: to $ext_if port 55000 >< 57000 user proxy \
> line number 38: flags S/SA keep state
> I never had this problem before the change of the /etc/rc.d/pf file.
> Also there is no problem running pf after the complete boot.
> What could be the problem here?
Ok, there *might* be some problems with interfaces that don't exist yet
when the pf rules are loaded, because the pf script is now executed before
the network if up and rc.d/network might create new interfaces.
But rules with non-existing interfaces should be fine in general.
I'm not sure if this is the case with your rules, so can you please send
me your complete pf.conf privately? Then I'll investigate this issue.
Peter Postma