Subject: Re: Interesting security discovery.
To: Elad Efrat <>
From: Travis H. <>
List: tech-security
Date: 09/16/2006 06:36:45
It would be instructive to read up on the anti-spam measures.
Google for "tarpit", "teergrube", "greylisting", see OpenBSD's
spamd manpage, and for log watching I prefer swatch... see also
I haven't ever looked at a brute-forcing script, but if they're anything
like ratware out there, they're notoriously impatient and don't really
properly interpret the data stream.
I was trying to set up pf "overload" tables for ssh bruteforcing with
a client, but it wasn't working as specified, and I never did figure
it out... maybe they were somehow trying different account/pws within
the same TCP connection... dunno.
You could always use openvpn or IPSec ;-) I like the latter but I'm
a crypto weenie. It's a bit difficult to troubleshoot. Took me 8 hours.
Tip: use example policy files and use search-and-replace.
The tools a very unforgiving of mistakes and rarely log anything.
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