Subject: /etc/security and duplicate user IDs
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: tech-security
Date: 03/21/2007 14:29:33

to prevent login troubles in in case of shell problems I added another
entry to the password file, reusing my main user accounts UID, GID,
etc. but specifying another shell (/bin/sh); this setup imitates what
toor does for the root account.

This works fine. However, /etc/security now reports:

	/etc/master.passwd has duplicate user id's.
	jukka 1010      akkuj 1010
	Checking home directories.
	user akkuj home directory is owned by jukka

	Checking dot files.
	user akkuj .cshrc file is owned by jukka
	user akkuj .k5login file is owned by jukka

Hmm, while these reports are correct (of course), I wonder if there's
really a problem with such a setup. In case there's not /etc/security
should probably be fixed.

Any comments?

TIA, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~