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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/kern

On Sun Mar 23 2008 at 20:53:10 +0200, Elad Efrat wrote:
> If you are interested in ignoring everything else raised, continue to
> violate commit guidelines, undermine on-going work that people already 
> enjoy and use, and basically turn this project to an AndrewBSD, be my
> guest. I will let others speak up... I guess if nobody does, then nobody
> is bothered. :)

I heard rumours about Andrew File System becoming the default rootfs.

Please try to understand that the task of doing major changes while
keeping the OS working is almost impossible.  NetBSD is a huge lump of
random code with very little way to verify if it works except for "well
it booted for me".  So it's either back to the stone age or random stuff
being broken.  Can't say I like either, but then again it's a hard life.

Having a test suite which would clearly flag errors .....

Antti Kantee <>                     Of course he runs 
    "la qualité la plus indispensable du cuisinier est l'exactitude"

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