Subject: Re: Timeline for i386 SMP
To: Jeff Northon <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 05/29/2000 17:02:46
According to Jeff Northon:
>I am ready to test SMP. We have a Dual P-III and our news server is a Dual
>Pentium Pro, if I can find two matching CPU's for the PRO.
Well, if anyone can point me at a reliable source for the PII
overdrive chips that are drop-ins for the PPros then I may just have a
matched pair of pros that I don't know what to do with. The rumours I
have heard is that it is SUPPOSEDLY best to match the stepping level
of both processors in a SMP arrangement.
> We will retire
>the dual processor motherboard to testing purposes. We could make them
>available to SMP-hackers. 8^)
Last time I went looking I recall you could get matched pairs of PPros
for about US$150 each or there abouts. _IF_ I can find some
processors to upgrade my machine then I could head the processors* the
same way the motherboard goes if it will advance the cause of NetBSD
SMP at all :-)
* Genuine Intel PPro 200 with manufacturer supplied fans (NOT OEM crap ;-)
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS