Subject: -i386 smp vs vmware
To: None <>
From: Sean Doran <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 05/06/2001 22:49:21
Ok, I didn't think this would work, so I wasn't badly surprised... :-)
-current (as of yesterday) w/SMP
-suse_vmware from pkgsrc
-wasabi installation kit
1. build the LKMs
mostly this required setting 'S' in the makefiles and
replacing occurrences of 'curproc' with 'curcpu()->ci_curproc'
in some source files
also, the Makefiles in the wasabi stuff want to install LKMs in /usr/lkm,
and that's not what the rc.d scripts want
2. start the rc.d scripts
no crash, amazing
3. start vmware
wow, also no crash, amazing
futz around with /emul vs real hierarchy
(~root and /proc vs equivalents in /emul/linux)
4. config-wizard/edit things up, touch Power On button
VMware Workstation PANIC: BUG F(571):1623 bugNr=2302
well it left my system in a working state, which is very nice,
but I couldn't trivially find anything about this particular
panic/bug, but figured that either someone else might have an
idea, or just want to know.
Anyway, here's the logfile... note the line before the panic above is
GuestOSId = 0x5005 -- maybe this is source of unhappiness?
I can't tell until tomorrow what it does under a uniprocessor system,
either 1.5 or -current flavour, so I'd be curious if anyone with
vmware working on such a beast could see what lines *should* have come first.
- --
May 06 22:32:51: Log file switched to /tmp/vmware-log.root.
May 06 22:32:51: Log for VMware Workstation PID 25305
May 06 22:32:51: Error loading preferences
May 06 22:32:51: changing state 0 from 0 to 1870
May 06 22:32:51: changing state 1 from 0 to 1873
May 06 22:32:51: changing state 2 from 0 to 1877
May 06 22:32:51: Host version
May 06 22:32:51: CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
May 06 22:32:51: CPUID version=0x681 features=0x383fbff ebx=0x2
May 06 22:32:51: VT: Redirecting kernel output to /dev/tty1
May 06 22:32:51: XINFO no DGA
May 06 22:32:51: License /root/.vmware/license
May 06 22:32:51: StartFields = Cpt, Name, LicenseType, LicenseClass, Field2
May 06 22:32:51: Field2 = LicenseFeature, Count, ProductID, ProductType, Field3
May 06 22:32:51: Field3 = Expiration
May 06 22:32:51: Cpt = COPYRIGHT (c) VMware, Inc. 1999-2001
May 06 22:32:51: Name = VMware User
May 06 22:32:51: LicenseType = User
May 06 22:32:51: LicenseClass = Evaluation
May 06 22:32:51: LicenseFeature = None
May 06 22:32:51: Count = 1 of 1
May 06 22:32:51: ProductID = VMware for Linux
May 06 22:32:51: ProductType = 2.0.1
May 06 22:32:51: Expiration = 2001-6-19
May 06 22:32:51: Serial = 0801A-08YFV-T3936-1KRYP
May 06 22:32:51: Fields = Cpt, Name, LicenseType, LicenseClass, LicenseFeature, Count, ProductID, ProductType, Expiration
May 06 22:32:51: Chosen license: /root/.vmware/license
May 06 22:32:58: changing directory to /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/.
May 06 22:32:58: Msg_Hint hint.guisession.chdir (shown)
May 06 22:33:00: error saving preferences
May 06 22:33:00: changing state 1 from 1873 to 1873
May 06 22:33:00: changing state 2 from 1877 to 1878
May 06 22:33:01: Log file switched to /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/nt4.log.
May 06 22:33:02: PowerOn
May 06 22:33:02: changing state 0 from 1870 to 1871
May 06 22:33:02: VMX86: version='unreleased' build='$Name: build-799 $' option=Release2.0.3
May 06 22:33:02: UNAME Linux 2.0.38 #0 Sun Apr 1 11:11:11 MET 2000 i386
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- COMMAND LINE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- CONFIGURATION
May 06 22:33:02: DICT config.version = 2
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide1:0.fileName = /dev/rcd0d
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide1:0.deviceType = atapi-cdrom
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide0:0.fileName = /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/nt4.dsk
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide0:0.deviceType = ata-hardDisk
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ide0:0.mode = persistent
May 06 22:33:02: DICT floppy0.present = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT floppy0.fileName = /dev/rfd0a
May 06 22:33:02: DICT floppy0.startConnected = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ethernet0.present = TRUE
May 06 22:33:02: DICT ethernet0.connectionType = hostOnly
May 06 22:33:02: DICT memsize = 32
May 06 22:33:02: DICT nvram = /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/nt4.nvram
May 06 22:33:02: DICT log.fileName = /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/nt4.log
May 06 22:33:02: DICT guestOS = nt4
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
May 06 22:33:02: DICT mru.config = /scratch3/VMWARE-NT4-VIRTUAL-MACHINE/nt4.cfg:
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 06 22:33:02: DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/local/bin/vmware
May 06 22:33:02: DICT wizard.fullpath = /usr/local/bin/vmware-wizard
May 06 22:33:02: DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/local/bin/vmware-dhcpd
May 06 22:33:02: DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/local/bin/vmware-loop
May 06 22:33:02: DICT smbpasswd.fullpath = /usr/local/bin/vmware-smbpasswd
May 06 22:33:02: DICT libdir = /usr/local/share/vmware
May 06 22:33:02: DICT vmnet1.HostOnlyAddress =
May 06 22:33:02: DICT vmnet1.HostOnlyNetMask =
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 06 22:33:02: DICT = Introduction.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.configurationEditor = ConfigEditor.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.ideConfig = ConfigDisks.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.floppyConfig = ConfigFloppy.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.mouseConfig = ConfigMouse.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.netConfig = ConfigEthernet.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.parallelConfig = ConfigParallel.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.serialConfig = ConfigSerial.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.soundConfig = ConfigSound.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.memConfig = ConfigMemory.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT tag.miscConfig = ConfigMisc.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT = ToolsInstall.htm
May 06 22:33:02: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
May 06 22:33:02: GuestOSId = 0x5005
May 06 22:33:02: BUG F(571):1623 bugNr=2302
May 06 22:33:02: Msg_Post Error: msg.log.panic
VMware Workstation PANIC:
BUG F(571):1623 bugNr=2302
May 06 22:33:07:
MainPowerOff-- Shutting down devices
May 06 22:33:07: MainPowerOff-- Shutdown complete
May 06 22:33:07: Msg_Post Error: msg.main.writepreferences
VMware Workstation is unable to determine if the filesystem that the
directory /root/.vmware is located on supports the needed
file locking functionality (filesystem type = 0x1).
If this file system does support file locking then you
can enable its use by setting
host.FSSupportLocking1 = 0x1
in your configuration file. The next time that you power-on
the virtual machine the filesystem will be considered ok.
Cannot lock the preferences file.
Cannot save user preferences.
May 06 22:33:08: Clean exit.