Subject: Re: make: making .WAIT recursive
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/16/2006 18:36:21
>> I suspect that it might not even *work* to try to do a single
>> unified make run for the whole source tree - unless make gets a
>> great deal more efficient in both time and memory.
> on the other hand, forking a subshell and make for every directory
> isn't memory efficient either.
It is in some respects, actually.
It reduces swap thrashing, since the higher-directory makes can stay
swapped out in toto for long periods while the deeper makes run -
basically, it's an indirect way of marking some of the data as "won't
be needed for a long time", and keeping it partitioned from the stuff
that's in live use.
Also, it's possible to have multiple processes whose memory images adds
up to more than a single process can support. (I don't know whether
this is relevant here, but it potentially might be.)
> would a 24MB decstation 3100 (16MHz R2000) be a suitably restricted
> target platform for demonstrating this?
My guess would be "yes". (It's definitely a decent first cut. :)
> and the low memory slow machines is a testcase I wasn't thinking
> about, since the context has been parallel builds, which tend not to
> be so RAM crunched as other platforms.
True. I've done builds on machines where the entire tree - source,
tools, and built binaries - could all fit in RAM. When you have that
kind of resources available, a multitude of sins can be ignored.
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