Subject: 3.1 cross-build breaks with . in PATH
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 03/19/2007 19:16:25
I just tried to cross-build hpcmips on i386. For reasons not really
relevant here, I happened to have . early in my PATH when I did this.
The build broke
# link mv/mv
/home/mouse/hpcmips/OBJDIR/tooldir.NetBSD-3.1-i386/bin/mipsel--netbsd-gcc -Wl,-nostdlib -o mv -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/libexec/ld.elf_so -Wl,-rpath-link,/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/lib:/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/usr/lib -R/lib -L/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/lib -B/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/usr/lib/ -B/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/usr/lib/ mv.o -L/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/usr/lib -L/home/mouse/hpcmips/DESTDIR/usr/lib
# format mv/mv.cat1
PATH=/home/mouse/hpcmips/OBJDIR/tooldir.NetBSD-3.1-i386/lib/groff:${PATH} /home/mouse/hpcmips/OBJDIR/tooldir.NetBSD-3.1-i386/bin/nbnroff -mandoc /usr/src/bin/mv/mv.1 > mv.cat1.tmp && mv mv.cat1.tmp mv.cat1
mv: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
[cascade of failures up to the top level, snipped]
Yes, having . in the path is arguably a bad idea in general, and I
wouldn't be too surprised if a build refused to run under those
circumstances. But this is definitely not a correct way for it to
fail, it seems to me.
Worth a PR?
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