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Re: ar "zero" flag

matthew green writes:
> i do not want static linking to go away.
> at the very least, it makes some debugging *way* more easy.

What he said.  I can't count the number of times I've built a static 
binary on a -current box to test some change on a box running a 3.0 
kernel and userland.... 

No, the binary I was using didn't have PAM or pthread or other fancy 
goop in it -- it was most often just 'raidctl', but it was very handy 
to be able to compile it on whatever flavour of -current I had 
nearby, and still run the binary on the old box...  I submit that 
while static libraries might be useless for certain things doing 
pthreads and PAM and what not, there is most certainly a class of 
uses for which they are very well suited, and I'd really hate to see 
that go away...


Greg Oster

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