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Re: -M vs. -O?

On Thu, Jan 01, 2009 at 12:06:37AM +0900, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
  | I seem to remember that someone recommended build.h -M over
  | -O, but forgotten the details.  Is there any reason or documentation
  | about this?

It's mostly a personal style issue. -O for $MAKEOBJDIR :
    * Shorter objdir paths
    * Uses make(1) expressions to evaluate the path -M for $MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX :
    * Longer objdir paths, which can look "uglier".
    * $MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX isn't usually a make(1) expression,
      so you can use it in shell expressions.

      For example, I have the following for tcsh:
           alias  cwdcmd  'set obj=\"${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}/\${cwd}\"'
      so that I can use $obj/ to refer to the objdir of the current
      build directory.
      Note that you have to have this alias before you cd to
      a source directory.

As I mentioned; a matter of personal style.


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