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Re: Sets, subsets, syspkgs, and MK*

> > You don't want to waste your precious weekend to apply unrelated binary
> > updates against 1,000 machines.  Does this answer your question?
> You don't mention how "Sets, subsets, syspkgs, and MK*"
> avoids annoying weekend?

Did you read only those 2 lines? :)

- Global binary patch affects all users.

- Partial binary patch affects users who use its function.

  ==> Partial binary patch is better for users than global binary patch.

> Probably you just want to make subset builds with MK or USE variables
> work properly? If once it works, binary patches for subset builds
> can still be generated from two set of DESTDIR with the same MK_foo
> or USE_foo settings. Is this your intention?

I don't really understand your question here, but:

Binary patches generated from 2 DESTdIRs - yes.

"MK or USE" - I'm trying to realize that MK is better than USE, in that
MK doesn't change signature, meaning binary patch friendly.

If you create a binary patch of YP code in libc, how do you call it?


Masao Uebayashi / Tombi Inc. / Tel: +81-90-9141-4635

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