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Introduction to µUBSan - a clean-room reimplementation of the Undefined Behavior Sanitizer runtime

Sanitization is a process of detecting potential issues during the
execution process. Sanitizers instrument (embedding checks into the
generated code) and interact with the runtime linked into an executable,
either statically or dynamically. In the past month, I've finished a
functional support of MKSANITIZER with Address Sanitizer and Undefined
Behavior Sanitizer. MKSANITIZER uses the default compiler runtime
shipped with Clang and GCC and ported to NetBSD.

Over the past month, I've implemented from scratch a clean-room version
of the UBSan runtime. The initial motivation was the need of developing
one for the purposes of catching undefined behavior reports (unspecified
code semantics in a compiled executable) in the NetBSD kernel. However,
since we need to write a new runtime, I've decided to go two steps
further and design code that will be usable inside libc and as a
standalone library (linked .c source code) for the use of ATF regression

Plan for the next milestone

The Google Summer of Code programming period is over and I intend to
finish two leftover tasks::

 - Port the ptrace(2) attach functionality in honggfuzz to NetBSD. It
will allow catching crash signals more effectively during the fuzzing
 - Resume the porting process (together with the student) of Address
Sanitizer to the NetBSD kernel.

This work was sponsored by The NetBSD Foundation.

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